I think it have been long enough for me to tell you this. Im sorry for hurting you once again. Fcuk. hmmmm. I dont know how i should say this. I asked for this and now, im not going to run away from this. Im telling you. Im missing and falling for another guy. You should be thrilled. Im so sorry for what happened between us. You may think that i was using you. i wasn't. But on the flagday itself, this thing hit me. So sharply. I realised that i can no longer do this. Im sorry. Being with you is just impossible. I cant possibly be thinking about two guys at a time. Surprisingly, you was the second. I cant do this anymore. Hurting you all over again. Im sorry for what ive said, which actually gave you hope in a way or another. I suck big time for that. Forgive me will you? I cant face you anymore. I cant. That leads to me ignoring you. Please, Stop your doings. Don't make me had enough of you. Please. I don't want to be that heartless. I know it sucks. Leaving you. Something hit me that tells me that i should actually give him another chance. If i could give the who loves me another chance, why can't you? Perhaps you have not notice that she could make you happy. I didnt knew that before. But what i know now is that, i do. You may think that im craping here. But to tell you. I have always loved you as a friend. And i don't think it can go any further than that. Forgive me.
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