September 30, 2010

English Paper 1 and 3

Had English Paper 1 and 3 earlier in school just now. Gosh. Paper 1 was............ I don't know. HAHA!!! I hope I got it right. I'm scared that it is out of point. :O! Oh no!!! ;((. Did question 4. I bet most people out there taking the same paper would have chosen the same question. -.-. HAHHA!! Oral was pretty easy?? Compared to Shift 2's. Seriously. XD. Hee... And yea. Mr Benjamin Lim was my invigilator. XD. Why not Mr Lim................ =DDD At night, did some stupid stuffs with brother. XD. The pictures explains. XD

September 27, 2010

Sister's birthday approaching

Off to Vivo soon. With dearest sister. Her birthday approaching. ;D. Treating her. Something? Anything. HAHAHA!!! 1995 babies made our IC just now in school. HAHHA!!! I like.... HAHHA!!! IC coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=DD

Raya with PPS


260910; Went out with PPS students. Great time. Had sooooooooooooo much fun.;D. I simply miss them so much!!;D. Hee..... You guys are such jokers. With that, you guys made my day.;D

September 26, 2010

Raya with BP and Rascals.

250910; Raya with Rascals. Had a great time. Jokes; "Magic. (Achit and Mus)." HAHAH!!! Mus's laughter. Heee. Done I guess. HAHAH!!! Badminton??? XD