hey there people!!! i had a damn lot of fun on the 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn serious!!! hahhaha!! so yea. went to marina square to play some game of bowling!!! god. i had damn lots of fun!! seriously!! so yea. meet him at 1230?? suppose to. but who was late again?? hahah!! k. shuddup mira;D. so yea. we went for bowling. his treat. but!!!!!!!!!!!! he won!! and tats not fair!!! hahha!! was just joking. i was bad. seriously. hahahha!! then head to the opposite place which is the arcade!!! hahhah!!! funny la. we played some shooting games and did a game on the car. he won again!! hahahha!! so yea. went to McDonald to eat.=D. so yea. we both ate Mcspicy. isnt it cute??;D. huhu. then head to clarke quay/boat quay/raffles?? not sure myself. i think we went to all of them. hahahha!! so yea. we went looking for a drink. was dying thirst!! seriously!! then head for home when done. walked from JP. reached home around 8+?? i guess.=D. so yea. slept early. got sch.=D..THE END.

but the day before, on the 15th. we went to vivo and watched VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isnt it cute?!! and meet ayu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!! its like so long since we last meet!!! seriously!!! IMY!!!=D. hehehhehe. so yea. we meet around 10+ at Li's. then head for vivo. but shema meet us at clementi. so yea. meet ayu at GV. bought the tickets.;D. then did some CAMPWHORING!!! hehehehhe. then entered. so kecoh!! hahahha!!! watched the sweet movie.=D. then head for rooftop for a moment then head for KFC. then ate.=D. after that, i and Li head to nearest mosque. she did some praying. then we head to jurong. with a topic all the way!! hahaha!! then took 243G. then reached home, got to know my hubby watched Percy Jackson. wow right?! i know;D. then.............. i dont know. hahhaha!!! then had our call. but late;(.. huhu. but still, i love you my dear;D
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