hey ho.
i was awake late at night. chat with syafik jpr. hahahhaha!!! mcm2 la dektu! tapi ok la. he got my laughing my heart out. hahahahha!!! chat wit syidah, fiqah,and shaifful too. and not forgetting, rahman. hahaha!!! been chatting with random ppl. hahahha!!! then, got mly dnc today. at 10!!! naseb bley bgn. hahahahha! damn awkard sey.. hahahha!! then took the key bla3. tros, prac3. i dont feel the spirit flowing anymore sey. ahhahah!!! btol ahk li?!! hahahahha!!! then aft mly dnc, went somewhere. satu2 tk coorperate sey. tapi at last, i dunno the final decision. enta la ehk.. hmmm. then head for home with nai. at 3?? thn sat at bus stop. bbl world!! hahahah!!! 1 hour babe ddok situ. hahaha!!! mcm2 org kite nmpk. wakakaka!! hmm... stress2. hhahah!
been few days eversince ive made that decision of moving forward. no one is the cost of it. but, i just got to think. till when am i gonna act like a fool down here. im in need deed here. someone? anyone? help me? guide me?........................
sorry to hakim( ppl dun call him this). im totally sorry. but, it just came out from my heart. i felt that i should tell you. if you were to hate me for it, then... its totally up to you. all i can say is, sorry. eventhough it sounds pathetic, i really mean it and sincere about it.
life is sucking this few days. there might be a reason for it. and it may not. i dunno. haiyoyo. but it do really sucks! wth.
i know this post will got you wondering and makes you feel like asking who the hell im talking about. hahahha!!! nvm if you dont undrstd. coz u dont need too. its nt important at all.
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