hey3! my daily routine again. hahahah!! then went 860. then in class dun want to recall!! then had a boring day! blah3. then home!!! =)
29 june 2009;

ho3!!!!!!!!!!!! WENT BCK TO SCH!!!!!!!!!!!! hey ho all!!!!!!!!!! huhu! miss u guys. hahahha!!! then daily routine. tros. done! nthg much. huhu! then somethg happened! 20.34 huh.. huhu!
28 june 2009;
hey ho! woke up at 3 am! omg! heard weird stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! F**K!! hahahha!! then mandi. huhu! then siap. blah3. then eat breakfast. tros went up the bus. then reached there, show was OVER. hahahha!!! then went back to sch. otw, slept. thn wash up. went to kfc to eat. then went 860 with them. blah3. tros went home. sleep. thn woke up. the sleep again.=)
27 june 2009;

hey. woke up at 7.30a.m. blah3. the head for sch! omg! hahahha!!! damn excited la sey!!! hahahha!!!! reached. meet d sec ones. then down to business. huhu! had icebreaker games. then lunch. then a few practices. huhu! then head to kallang waterfront for rehearsal. then went bck to sch. jad dineer. then watch up. huhu! had our farewell party. didnt had my share of pizza. coz didnt eat.=). some people just knew it. ahhahah!! then up to AVA to sleep. had hamburger. went down to take. damn dark la sey our sch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhaha!!! no joke! hahah!! then watch white chick. thn off to bed.=)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
29 june 2009;
ho3!!!!!!!!!!!! WENT BCK TO SCH!!!!!!!!!!!! hey ho all!!!!!!!!!! huhu! miss u guys. hahahha!!! then daily routine. tros. done! nthg much. huhu! then somethg happened! 20.34 huh.. huhu!
28 june 2009;
hey ho! woke up at 3 am! omg! heard weird stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! F**K!! hahahha!! then mandi. huhu! then siap. blah3. then eat breakfast. tros went up the bus. then reached there, show was OVER. hahahha!!! then went back to sch. otw, slept. thn wash up. went to kfc to eat. then went 860 with them. blah3. tros went home. sleep. thn woke up. the sleep again.=)
27 june 2009;

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