Went out with Sis, Lina, Abyatina, Nini, Kina and Omar!!! Gosh!! Its a splendid outing!!! I miss you guys so much!!!!!;D. Went to Far East to have our lunch. Proceed to Vivo to look for our dearest cousin her birthday gift. Went to Toys 'R' us. HAHHA!!! Miss those days when im still a little kid. ;D. Hee. Then went to the roof top and did some camp whoring. Hee. Someone approached us and said that we look like a group of people who have good photography skills. -.-. WTF!!!!!!! HAHAH!!! Took for them some pictures and off they go. HAH!! The next minute, we realize that we're late!!!!!! We ran to the nearest bus stop and off to KTM. HAHAH!!! Exhausting I must say. XD. HAHHA!!!!!!!! In the end, we didnt even got to see the full view!!!!!!!! GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! Disappointing.;((. But Ayumi's Mee Rebus seem to cure the sadness. =DD. Head back home around 9.30pm after the cake cutting. HAHA!! Then Uncle Zainal sent us home. So damn tired. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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