Today, had a boring morning. Quite a bore. It was raining again. Felt so lazy to get up. But noticed whereby I was the last one to wake up- as per normal. XD. HAHAHA!! Bathe. Then went to JP with sister. She wanted to buy Formal Stuffs. HAH! Then end up bought some stuffs. Funny!!!- Walking in JP for almost 4 hours is weird!!! Soooooo weird!!! HAHAHAHAH!!!! But fun I must say. XD. Got home, then finish up some homeworks. Huhu. Left with some though. Tomorrow, not going out to anywhere. Cant? Hmmmm... So yea. Gonna be stuck at home for tomorrow. Huhu. Boring!!! HAHAH! Currently watching Hindustan with Daddy. XD. Too bored.XD. Huhu.
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