hehehehehehe. and yea. i swear. its damn tiring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha!!! bt dun worry. im okay;D after camp, chillout with mimie and rusydi. hahahha!!! dunno y. hahaha!! funny! then walk to cosy. meet HIM!!! yay! then was damn sleepy!!! hahahhaha!! then ................................................ then go home. reach home, wah! sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!=D. then wake up at 11+, 1+, 7+, 8+ and 9+. hahahahhahahah!!!! then go out. clean up my bag=D. then bathe. then, got handphone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! hehehe! my sister phone actually. hahahha!!! and yea. then siap. go NUH. wore black. BLACK FAMILIES.;D. hahahhah!!! take 198. with mum and sis. and yea. blah3. then go home. and yea. watching my uncle's movie!!! damn excited. and im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo missing YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!muaxx!;D
PS; trip to bali postponed-.-" spot a tornado. safety first. postponed to march holidays. and 3rd december, got barbeque. at east coast park;D
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