“The most wasted of all days in one without laughter.”
December 1, 2009
yoyoyo!!!!! just came back from sentosa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn fun la sey!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhah!!! BP and RASCAL and some featuring. but who cares?! damn fun la siol!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahahhaha!!! and yea. bought mee hoon. mum cook;D. nice;D. i like;D. ehehheheheh. and yea. 8 orang dh mkn setengah mee. mampos.hahahhaha!!! some of them ate mann's mum cooking. sorry yea you guys;(. some macam paham tknk mandi. but at last, sume mandi. hahahhaha!!! BP cute la sey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! main ape battle enta. hahahhahaha!!!! we swam damn long la sey!!! i think 5 hours?!!!!!!!!!!!! kaysiao right?! i knw. hahahhaha!!! sampai security asked to go out then we're done. rabak kn?! i knw. hahahha!!! hang ahr got sunblock lotion. kalo tk, nt gonna step in the water la sey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i swear! hahahha!!! the water games fun la sey!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahha!! kekek la krg ni. hahaha!!! then walk off from sentosa at 830?! hahahahahah!!! then go vivo. blah3. then i and mann head home first;D. ehehheheheh!! then head home. but went jp go buy chicken dulu. hahhahahha!!!=D. then go home. i love you my dear;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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