hehehehhe!!! sorry for not posting=D

sorry for not updating for SOOOOOOOOOOOO long!!! hahahahha!!! okay. hmmmm... let me see.... on the 3, went to ecp. malay dance outing. for graduating students.=(((. im sooo gonna miss you guys. seriously;((((. and yea. took pictures. bt i swear. its very hard to upload here. i swear. so........... those in my camera. im soooooooooo sorry.;(((. then went home taking aini's dad lorry. me, mimie, syida, namira and aini. fun la sey!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahha!!! funny plak tu!!! hahahhahahah!!!! then thought of meeting my hubby. im soorrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy........;(((((((((((. but yea!!!! reached home safely;D. around 12 i guess.=D. hehehehhe!!!! im done for the day.
on the 4, its my lonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg fren's bday!!! HAPPY BELATED BDAY TO SYARMMIMIE ROZA BIN SAMSUL KAMIL. and yea. HAPPY BDAY TO SYED MUHD SYAFIQ. may your wishes come true;D. and sadly, i worked on that day. sorry mimie.;((.
on 5 dec, its my close frens's bday, FARAH ARDILLA BINTE IZAMRY. and yea. i worked on that day too. im sorry farah;(((.
on 6 dec, its SYAQIM MUSIRA's 11th monthsary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! last long yea you guys;D.yesterday, went to but books with my deary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehhehehehe. then ate at my crib;D. then watched high school musical 3 with him;D. hehehhehe. waste time. was too early. hahahahha!!! then he walked me to work;D. and yea. my break, we meet up again.;D. hehehhehehe!!!! addiction;D. im done.
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