hey. had a very bad stomach ache. at 3 terbgn. fuyoh! merane!!! hahaha!! around at 4.30 aru get bck to slp. wow. damn long right? hahhaha!! yea. then slept. didnt go to school as i scared anithg happen at school. hehehe. a few caring people asked me why didnt i come to school. people like... Nasir, Haikal, Ihsan,Li Ting, Hafeez and roadrunner. huhu. nas was so damn worried. hahaha!!! ape saje la dektu. huhu. okay. done about him. thn woke up at 7. cnt slp at first. then went on to my lala land. woke up. blogging. huhu. leta going li ting house go do pw. aiya. farah ask me follow her. but. sorry. then yea. anithg, ill update. chaos!
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