“The most wasted of all days in one without laughter.”
July 16, 2009
14 and 15
15 july;
hey ho ppl!!!!!!!!!!! it was raining damn heavily sey in the morning!!! i admit, im shivering!!! hahahahha!!! then went to school with farah. walked in the rain. but with umbrella. hahahha!! walked by cosy there. then reaching back gate, payung tersangkut la sey!!! hahahah!! paisey la sey. people should saw it. hahah!! then reach school, see my payung, its torn!!! hahahah!!! threw it away. maths class, pepot2 wit fiqah all the way. dun know wth teacher toking. hahahha! this chapter, i admit, i know nothing!! hahahahha!!! so yea. head back home straight after school. sleep till 7. went religious class. then went home. did some JAHIT-ING. is there such word??... nvm. made it up. hahahha!!! my hard work must be paid up!! hahahaha!!! but nvm. enjoyed sewing. seriously. hahahahah!!! did some camp whoring. then slept late.
14 july;
hey there. got back to school. n yea. i love school!! hahahha!! cnnt survive at home one whole day sey. hahhahha!!! miss my friends!! hahaha!! talking as if i never seen them for years. hahahha!! bt seriously. miss school.;) so yea. had a good day i guess. huhu. camp whore with krystal during science class. teacher dun care and didnt saw. hahahaa!!! had experiment. i admit. its damn cool la sey!! hahahah!!! jakon. huhu. so yea. had a day.;) then went home. then went down go lepak. at cosy. then swing. malik sang and played guitar. cool2. impressive. huhu. then, got to find out about MINA. so yea. cant believe that u no longer tell me stuffs. but nvm. i dun mind. saw roadrunner.;) then head for home at 7. ZZzzz
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