hey ho!!! didnt go to school on 29 june 2009. was planning to go clinic. then woke up at 12.00. wow isnt it?... huhu. went to malay dance for rugby. thought there's prac. so came. but i thought wrng. hmm.. aftr rugby, whc was a very cool and great trainning, to lib with mimie and li to reurn book. huhu. otw home, treat li and mimie ice cream. just feel like it. crazy huh? i knw. hahahah!!! then meet him!!!! eehe!!! then talk3. lepak3. then went doctor. he wasnt okay.=(. dad ask him go home. thn my mood was down too. huhu. jiwe. hahahha!!! then made him laugh!!!!=D. hehehehe. went to doctor, too many people, went home. took bus. then get ready for religious class. hmm.. otp with him. thn ZZZzzz.... ( and farah is attached to wan!!) hahahah! last long aye;D
30 july 2009;
the next day, whc is one the 30, went to school with him!!! huhu. he saw mum. then walk different path. hahahhaha!!! then walk long way. hahahha!!! cute kn? tau. hehehe. then reached school, had lesson. then history test, dance workshop and malay dance!!! hahahah!!! history test, gonna fail. hahahha!!! dance workshop was tiring that made me more tired then ever during malay dance practice. was damn exhuasted la sey!!! hahahah!!! then meet him. down with headache. but got a cure huh dear?... eehe!! personal doctor yer?.... hahahahha!!! went home at 7? farah was damn late then walk off first. went to religious class. mus take ball. tu pun nk segan. hahahhaha!!! tkpe. understooded. haahahhaha!!! otp with my dear roadrunner. then slp=D ZZZzzz....=D
31 july 2009;
now, im just blogging. music didnt do. ahhahahha!!! dun undrstd a single thg. then, blog!!=D k. im done. later, got malay dance performance. Mother Tongue Cultural Fiesta. at 6.30-8.30. huhu. he's gonna fetch me!!! hehehe! insyaallah. k im dne.=D