Knight Cycling.
Had a splendid time! Hee!! I still cant believe that I've cycled from Boon Lay to East Coast Park. Gosh. That's so far la! HAHAHA!! But we survived the trip! ;D. Hee. Cycled with Sis, Mee, Moo, Nai, Mitot, Yanty, Acah, Mann, Hilmi, Achit, Mus, Mus, Wan, Hafiz, Appy. Not tiring. Just sleepy. HAHAHAH!! Most of the time, was cycling with Mann. HAH!! Mee and Mann DANGEROUS!! HAHHAHA!! Mus GYLER!! HAHAHA!! In the bus sat with Mann. HAHAHAH!! But I slept. HAHA!! Was so damn sleepy. From OBS sumore. HAH!! Went home with Sis and Mus. Chit Chat with Acah in the bus.... Hmmmmmmmm........ Wasted huh? HAH!!! Nothing can be done. HAHA!! Reached home, slept. HAHAH!! Woke up at 5pm. HAH!! Slept again at 10pm. MOTION SICKNESS~. :/. HAHAHAH!!
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