hehehehe. first day wore purple!!! hehehehehe.
then got bz. blah3. was damn tired.
tired is common.
hehe! repeat the old same thing.
HARI RAYA mah. hehehehe.
got nothing special.
so yea.
19 september 2009;
fuyoh!!! hahahhaha!!
but i MC. hahhaha!!
then play firework!!!! with bro.
hehehe. watched sinar lebaran.
then saw new tv.
damn shock!!!
hahahhaha!!! then hack care.
18 september 2009;
went to take ring!!! hehehehe. meet him.
then walk3 at popular.
gerek!!! hahahha!!! try out!! hahahha!!
we spent an hour there i think. hhahahahha!!
i dont know ehk.
then head to geylang go meet mum, sis and mus.
walk3. then never see him=(
huhu. hahhahaha!!!
walk3. then never see him=(
huhu. hahhahaha!!!
then blah3. got home.=D
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