August 30, 2009
meet him. finally!
happy birthday!

August 28, 2009
he's sick!!!!;(
Admire me from afar.
Remember me like a star. See me in a special way.
Make me never go away.
Catch me as I fall.
Hear me as I call. Believe me, when I say,
I never want to go away.
With you I fly like a dove.
You really are my one true love.
So keep me here as I lay.
Don't make me ever go away.
I love you so very much.
I am complete with your touch.
Listen to me when I say, I will never go away.
They may pout and they may whine.
They may try to cross the line.
But I will never ever Stray.
No one can make me go away.
you cared like a father;D
went to school. but no sight of him. hmmm.... wondered. then at comp lab, i text kiki asking he got come school not. he didnt.;(. didnt got to see him. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then im just sitting here worrying why he's not here. hmm.... i got a feeling that ure down with fever. hmmm...... imy.ily.
27 august 2009;
my last test, geography and homec, was okay. i can say that. both examiner so fierce!!!! hahahahahah!!! then after paper, went canteen waited for krystal. huhu. she want go cut hair. i accompany her. then the whole BP followed. cute sey!!! hahahahaha!!! then the shop, we occupy. hahahaha!!! then krystal so cute. she scared her hair wrong cut. hahahahha!!! then went to cosy. she want to buy kitten food. then went back to prime. moo and nai followed. then they bought the foods. then head back to cosy. slack. 4.30, krystal, fiqah and syida went home. then he came!!!!! heheheheh. talked to him!!!! hehehehhe. imy dear. then blah3. at night he at home. at 2043 is when i receive his last message. for a few minutes, i tried to call and call. but engage. i dial around 30 times?!! then at last, he called. damn happy! but his hp spoilt. aiya!!! cannot cntact him!!!!;(. then slept late. he sick. so, slept a little earlier. but still, late. hahahahha!!! recorded his voice;D
I get hypnotized.
I cannot move.
I cannot breath.
Your brown eyes
They confort me.
I start to cry.
I dont know why.
I get scarred.
I turn away.
26 august 2009;
it was raining heavily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heheheheh. lepak after science paper. before test, did sec 3 subject combination!!! omg!!!! i dunno wth i was doing!!!! urgh!!!! irritating!!!! then went to calss late. we started the test far later then the others! hahahahahah!!! then went cosy when done. and my mt ca4 paper, got my name!!! hahahaha!!! bangga skejap. hehehehhe. then went home at.... 5? after doing my maths homework. hahaha!!!! otp. then im done!!!! ZZZzzzzz. ily.;D
25 august 2009;
had mathematics and literature test. maths not done!!!! urgh!!! frustating!!!! hahahahah!!! then literature nice timing. aftr school, straight went home. then slept. huhu. then woke up, food is ready. ate. otp again!!! and guess wat?! got to see him!!! he went to 840. lepak. eeeehe!!!!! heheheh. cant study science, transport and living things, topic. hahhahahah!!!! then stress free when talk to him!!! hehehehehe. i simply love you dear;D
24 august 2009;
today history test. was okay. but source base damnhard la sey!!!! hahahahahhaha!!!! then head straight for home. saw him at canteen. bt didnt know that he's actually waiting for me!!!!! omg!!! im terribly sorry dear one.;(. then meet him outside school. khalisah accompany me!!!;D. then talked to him. apologise. then, alamak!!!! something went wrong. just SOMETHING. that is totally unneccesary. like seriously. hmmm... but things get under control when we talked about it. ate buka. then meet him!!!!!!!!! went jp. got to buy some stuffs for tomorrow's math test. reached home at 10.15. then otp! eehe!!! stayed up late again.;D talked about stuff. ily. thanx for being there by my side when i need you.;D but. somethings are meant to be a secret huh u guys?.... i did not mention to anyone. simply disappointed. tats all.. hmmm... but im okay!!!! dun u all wrry;D. thanx to abdul rahman bin yahya!!!=D
♥Tonight you and I have talked for the first time in awhile and it gave me an amazing feeling deep down inside sending a big smile on my face. Talking to you made me feel alive for the first time in a long time. You fill my life with laughter and love. I believe that you are sent from above. You came back into my life and set me free from the chains that had been weighing me down. You made me realize that the only real love of my life actually wanted to be with me too. You see with you in my life I'll always have a love that will be forever true.
23 august 2009;
stayed at home! woke up at 1. hahahahhaha!!! then clean up cabinet.WTH-.-". hahahahha!!! then.... soon.... aircon is being repaired. hahahahah!!! but i studied at the other room. when im done, get ready the food for buka. then ate. at night, study again. then otp with my deary sweetheart!!!! hehehehehe. then slept late again. hmph! who cares. haahahahha!!! for him, can one!! hahahha!!!. k shuddup mira. k. done. hahahahha!!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM LIVE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!=D
22 august 2009;
went to hafeez house. do project work. then, doe around 5?? late huh? i know. hahahahha!!! i did everything!!! and im prod of it!!!! heeheheh. then, head for home. =D. hehehehehehe. after that otp!!! till 630. hehehhe. went prime after buka. huhu. saw lifebuoy!!! hahahhaha!!! and thought about u!!!;) hehehehhe. i miss you dear. hehehhe. stayed up late. then sahur, eyes can barely see anything!!! hahahahhahahah!!! i guess im done. huhu. done. P.S: imy.
August 21, 2009
TOMORROW FASTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! going to meet him today!!!! have to!!! he didnt come to school.;( so yea, cya!!! love you dear;)
20 august 2009;
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUS AND JU!!!! got eng ca test till 3++. his remedial caancelled. then meet him. went to ju block. then celebrete the two guys birthday. went home, ngaji. then he called me!!!!! slept at 0200hr.
19 AUGUST 2009;
today was quite sadding. quarrel again.;( lepak at cosy with him. then he left me. but after kowing the reason, he was just testing my actioons. hmmm... but didnt know that in the first place, so, when he left me, i walk away. he didnt come after me;(. huhu. then didnt texted. before he went down, he texted me. he didnt bring his phone. then called and called. damn worried la sey. at last!!!! he picked up.;D. then things happened dont want and dont need to mention. but we sort things out. i want this to be the last time we quarrel yaww dear. i hope and pray so;D
18 august2009;
got ethnic fusion dance today. then, after that, meet him. his remedial cancelled. huhu. he cut hair!!!! damn cute la. hehehehehehehe. then lepak at loong lee. he was tired. he slept on my lap.;D. eehe!!! watched him sleep. cute!!!!!! hahahahahah!!!! at night, he went soccer. then called him at night. talked till midnight.
17 AUGUST 2009;
today was the inter house captain house for c-girls. hmmm.... im in the team!!!!! hehehehehe. then played against neptune. followed by jupiter. lost the first match. only by 1 mark!!!! omg. damn pathetic. hahahah!!! but it was a rough match against them. then played against jupiter was damn relax and friendly match. hahahahah!!! kinda funny. haahhaha!!! end up winning 3rd. neptune-1st. mercury-2nd. jupiter-4th. then meet him at loong lee. he played soccer at night. then, otp!!!;D HE GOT O LEVEL ENGLISH ORAL; GOODLUCK!!!!
♥16 AUGUST 2009;
went to vivo with my darling.;D meet him at interchange. went there, head to golden village. huhu. then bought the ticket for "wheregotghost" hahahhahaa!!!! cool huh? i know. hahahahha!!! then went to eat LJS first. movie starts at 1625hr. then blah3. head to the cinema. hahaha!!! seat G-04 and G-03. his treat. then after movie, took a scroll at the roofop. hahahaha!!! cute kn?!!! heheheheh. then campwhore. walk2. then went to bus stop. took bus 30 home. he slept on me my shoulders!!!!!!! hehehehehehe. then walked home from jp. reached home around 2125hr?? then called him at night. it was a bad endig for the day.;(. but dont worry, MIRAH IS ABLE TO SORT THINGS OUT!!!!!;D. HE'S DAMN SWIT LA SEY!!!! I LOVE YOU ABDUL RAHMAN.♥
15 august 2009;
hey. stayed at ome. doing home chores! damn tiring! i swear. hahahahha!!! but then, went to jp with my dear sister. went to look something for him. =D. eehe! then walk3. find nothing. then at this particular shop, saw something damn cool! hahahha!!! it can say "ILOVEYOU". cute isnt it? hehehehehe. then, meet him. aroud 7++, reached home. then got to know that the thing not working!!!!!!!!! damn frustrated!!!! went back to jp to change. he accommpany me!!!;D. then ate LJS. damn hungry. huhu. then went home took bus. then see him off. ;D. at night otp till 16 AUGUST 2009!!!!! heheheheh!
August 15, 2009
he didnt come to school. then after sch, went home. he go prayer. then meet him at cosy. blah3. heheheh!!! between us jek yer. eehe! then he fetched me home again!!! heheheheh!! then siap2. went to bibik tini house. got kenduri. then text him whn im done. perfect timing huh dear?....;D. then accidentally sleep!!! oooooooooppppppppppsssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 august 2009;
hey! he was damn swit la sey today!!! eehe! he came to fetch me. then walked to school. mum saw. hahahha!!! then after my malay dance, he fetched me outside school. eehee!!! he carry my bag for me. then chitchat. then head for cosy. i want go home, he fetched me!!!! hehehehehe!!! then undr my block got a few jerks. hahaha!! then went ngaji. huhu. i felt diff abt him. i love him more!!!! hehehehe!!!! i never felt closer to you this way before.;D but i love it.;D
12 august 2009;

11 august 2009;
hey. had self-studies. then sat with him jap. JEA cancelled. huhu. went to adelphi court do eng homework with dibah. hold his hp. hear songs. then he came!!! huhu. sat at pondok. talk2. then suddenly, silence came across him. i wonder. then talk to him, he malas nk layan?... hmm... then at 6++ walk off. cant bare keeping my tears holding on. felt like i wasnt needed there at all. i without a phone. he cant cntact than he still didnt make use of the time. haiya. kinda disappointed. then called him at 7.50p.m. talk things out. glad its over.
August 10, 2009
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AMIRAN AND SUFFIAN! stayed home. did my pw. lit part. im done!!! otp with my dear roadrunner!! huhu. sis lend me her phone. aww... swit kn?... i knw. huhu. she say she wnt be needing it. so yea. thx.;D
9 august 2009;

8 august 2009;
went to marina square with HIM!!!! hehehehe. went out at 2.30. meet at interchange. then head to city hall. walk3 at marina. NOTHING. then went to penin. walk3. again, NOTHING. huhu. then head for bugis. walk3. then damn dizzy. was a hot day la sey!!! then went to ljs. go eat. hehehe. got the same hp keychain sort of thing. then head back in to bugis. saw the shop that we were looking for. at last! hahhaha!!! then bought a white tee shirt at last!!! yay!!! victory. then head for home. was suppose to reach home before 8. but got home at 8.10. huhu. then blah3. otp. then mus came. karaoke. hahhahaha!
August 7, 2009
national day in sch
4- 6 august
went to school with my dear roadrunner!!!!;D he's sick.;(. he must go to school bcos he got history ca4 and maths test. hmm.. he said he did badly...;(. but its okay. its not his fault. he did his best. his stomach just seem to hurt and distract his mindset. hmmm. after school, went for md. then art room. did the heading for charity bazaar. "MEE GORENG" with thw star!!! heheheh!!!. then meet him. got to knw he's down with fever!!!! 37.8!!! omg! then at night, he went to doctor. he got MC. but die2 wan go school 2mrw. so, yea. he slept early. i asked him to. ily.;D get well soon.
5 august 2009;
August 3, 2009
i simply love you dear;D
went to school. then meet him at canteen. pass him vicks. he's sick!!!;(. assembled at parade square. then blah3. after recess, meet mr rahim then saw my roadrunner!!!! hehehehe. then maths lesson. went to take duster. hahahah!!! fiqah follow. she say she go toilet. then meet at level 3. hahahaha!!! walked long way. outside library, saw him!!!;D. then went to take duster. otw up, saw mdm sim. she asked for help. helped her transfer things. then saw ms linda. woohu!!!!!! hahahahah!!! then head back to class. 20 minutes we go out. hahahah!! then blah3. after sch, got mly dnc MEETING. then blah3. head for home with syida and fiqah. took bus at jp. lazy walk home. did homework. ahhahah!!! then done. GET WELL SOON DEAR!!!;D
2 august 2009;
1 august 2009;
31 july 2009;